Opinion | The Indian social mindset needs to change, but it probably never will.
What makes a great nation-state, great? Is it its economy? Its military strength? Its soft power, perhaps? While all these are the right questions and the answer to all of them is YES (to a certain extent), there is a crucial piece of the puzzle that is very often overlooked. So much so, that due to the overlooking of this factor, many great nations that should have risen to power, either did not manage to do so, or missed the bus leading to greater difficulty in achieving their supreme national interests. The single greatest catalytic factor in the rise of a nation, is the national mindset. A collective state of mind that reflects a nation's priorities, opinions, values and beliefs. Here, values and beliefs are referred to in more a materialist, pragmatic sense, rather than the usual cultural or traditional sense. The priorities of a collective, such as a society or in this case, a national collective frame of mind, is very well reflected by how its populace views the world aroun...